Gray as I type. Err day keeps the doctor away

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And yet, products that were valued for their grey simplicity like Kindle and Remarkable, inevitably ended up to be launched in colour. And that proves your point!

(but the OG Game Boy has been successful for ages even with the other brands and Nintendo itself launching more advanced portable consoles... what happened to those times?)

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Wait, there's a coloured version of Remarkable?!

I have one in black and white and feels amazing.

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This is the kind of content I love! Not just a tip, but an experiment to prove if it actually works. Thanks for the documentation and insights; I really enjoyed reading it!

I also liked the outcome (using greyscale on weekends and time off) as it reflects a deeper thought process about both the benefits and personal context.

Actually, I am gonna do the experiment myself too, as I tried it for a while but I ended up switching back to full color. Maybe I was not properly trying, so let's give it another go!

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Thanks for the kind words, Xavi!

Please, let me know how it goes.

In my case, it certainly helped knowing that I was experimenting 🙂

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I lack the courage to switch my phone to grayscale because I experienced this twenty years ago or more. I am not ready, and I prefer living in a colorful world.

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Agree, but the real colors are outside 🙂

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I know, but I still prefer a color screen. Meanwhile, your advice for the challenge is intriguing. It is worth trying. 👍🤔😊

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Try it and let me know how it goes :)

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I switched to greyscale on my iPhone and MacBook Pro several years ago, I really enjoyed it until I actually needed to see the colors. I stopped completely.

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Da tempo faccio periodi in bianco e nero, ma inverto anche per cui vedo tutte le immagini in negativo. Faccio questo per purificarmi non tanto dal tel (sembra impossibile) ma dalle immagini che ci bombardano.

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Tra le altre cose, sento di aver "riscoperto" i colori

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Have been using greyscale for about 3 years. After a year, I found the regular color mode to be overstimulating. For example, if I had toggled back to color to look at a photo, then forgotten to switch it back to greyscale before I opened another app, I was thrown for a loop by all of the colors. Spotify and the small album covers it displays is the example that comes to mind.

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Nice one, Giacomo - I love these types of experiments. Well documented.

Recently I wrote about my experiment changing my Iphone 15 Pro to a Motorola with MUCH poorer performance. It has had crazy effect on my life


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